POP UP PALLETS celebrates her 5th anniversary this year, giving gifts away, because who is a birthday trainer! Especially for this occasion, they launched the PUP Challenge at the end of April 2017.

In the Netherlands there are many vacant shopping or business premises. That requires creative entrepreneurs for permanent or temporary rent. Therefore, they challenged retailers, catering companies or ZZPs to submit their plans for a Pop Up Shop.

Up to three times the Challenge came over to me. At the third time I no longer doubted and wrote my plan. The ambitious entrepreneur who came up with the original plan could compete at great prices.

On June 7, 2017, I heard that I’m the winner of 1st prize. The win is a 2 month popup shop worth $ 2,000.00.

The search for a property began. Ask, call, email. And with further questions, calling, mailing I came into contact with Matchpoint Amersfoort. One of their components is Matchpoint Refill. With this, they want to offer social initiatives and start ups the opportunity to grow and flourish by making their temporary use of vacant space in Amersfoort.

That grows and flourishes for Winnys Soulfood at Emiclaerhof 40 of Emiclaer Shopping Center. From September 2, 13:13 the store is open to the shopping audience.

What is there to do?

The Pop-Up-Store becomes an interactive experience. During the day you can come together, work or just relax.

The inner person is thought. With slow coffee, loose tea, home-made ice tea and organic juices, you make your stay in the store enjoyable. Look in some sweets than Winnys. Winnys Soulfood’s pure delicacies are available in 7 flavors.

Should you always look in the supermarket what is in a product? The Winnys do not have to. The pure delights are made of nuts and fruits and nothing else. The Winnys are lactose-free, gluten-free and e-number free and can be stored in the refrigerator for one month.

Why do hard when it can go together. Loesje

Together is more than just and in the Pop-Up-Store next to the Winnys you will find all sorts of other products from Winnys Soulfood’s customers. Bags of Stillwater, Nature Pictures of Jeroen Malestein, Embrace of Love T-shirts, Extreme Bags of Circuit Shop Amersfoort Leusden, Shelley Brandon Coaching & Coach, Coin & Coaching, Lucky Luck Greeting Cards, Seat2Meet’s serendipity machine and maybe more.

Who feeds good, who meets well. Winny Forest

Proper nutrition is about what you say, how you live, how you live, where you shop, how you live, what workshop or reading you follow, and so I can go on. From my own experience, I know how powerful this works. In the Pop-Up Store, I want to accomplish this. And I can not do that alone. So there are Winnys Soulfood customers who make this possible by giving a workshop or reading and selling their products.

Nice to meet you in the store. More information on opening hours, workshops and lectures can be found at  https://www.winnyssoulfood.nl/pop-up-store/ .

This article was originally published in deemly.co

The Independent recently published an article that describes how a major failure of the sharing economy is that it is built on trust. Mennesker er ikke nødvendigvis trustworthy, og delingstjenester vil mislykkes hvis de tar tillit for gitt.

Why can not people be trusted?

The concept of a “zero sum game” Means That in order for someone to get a bigger piece of the pie another person has to give up some of their own.

What if, instead, could the two actors benefit? Når begge parter drar nytte af en transaktion, er situationen kaldet “win-win”.

I urge you to visit ncase.me and play their game on game theory. While does require 30 minutes to complete it rewards you with insight into the nature of trust between people.

De konklusioner fra spillet om naturen er:


Trust behoudt een relatie, maar u moet de kennis van mogelijke toekomstige herhaalinteracties voordat vertrouwen kan worden vastgesteld.


Hver deltager har to tro at spillet kan ha positive resultater for begge spillere. Such a ‘win-win’ scenario biedt incentive for participants to trust one another as They are working towards a mutually beneficial outcome.


Miscommunication trust breaks down, but it helps to be forgiving and patient if incidents are not too frequent.

Dus hoe gaat dit met de delende economie?

The sharing economy facilitates win-win scenarios between participants. For eksempel, en person kan tjene penge utlån ut deres bil når de ikke bruker det, eller leie ut deres hjem når de er på ferie. In order for these transactions to take place, however, each participant must have reason to trust the person on the other end of the exchange.

Trust profielen en verzekeringen helpen zeker vertrouwen op een paar verschillende niveaus, maar dat gaat maar zo ver. Det er opp til de transaktionsdeltagere at leke med hverandre.

Når to personer har aldrig mødt, hvordan stoler de på hinanden i en given transaktion? They can read reviews other strangers have left their platform profile and learn about the other person’s transaction history and past behavior. Research Shows That people have a tendency to trust crowd-based ratings for both products and services – ratings about individual people are no different.

If people have incentives to be on their best behavior, perhaps through the threat of bad reviews and a desire to engage in a successful transaction, the sharing economy will always produce win-win scenarios.

“In the short run, the game defines the players. Men i det lange løb, det er os spillere som definerer spillet. “

Why the sharing economy will survive the trust crisis

We explored this in a previous post title, “How Does The Sharing Economy Thrive In A” Trust Crisis “?”

Positive reviews bolster the standing of sharing service participants who engage in safe, enjoyable transactions. Den trussel om negative anmeldelser, og følgelig en mindre sandsynlighed for at andre vil ønske at engasjere seg i en transaksjon med en slik person, også oppmuntrer til god oppførsel. We atheemly strongly believe that Trust Profiles are the cross-platform solution to encourage good behavior and promote a safe environment in any sharing community.